
Aiyukpanchi, haʔɬ adsɬčil,



(International Network of Indigenous health, knowledge, and development)

Reclaiming Indigenous Ecologies of Love

28 April – 2 May 2025

27 April 2025 - Student pre-conference

Tamaya Resort, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA

Early Bird Registration Closes: 10 December 2024

The University of Washington's Indigenous Wellness Research Institute (IWRI) is honored to be hosting the fifth International Network of Indigenous Health Knowledge and Development (INIHKD) Reclaiming Indigenous Ecologies of Love (RIEL) 2025 conference.

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The INIHKD RIEL 2025 Conference seeks to elevate and amplify Indigenous voices and lovingly address critical health issues impacting Indigenous communities globally. It will provide an engaging strengths-based forum for international leaders to share, collaborate, champion, and envision a future of Indigenous health sovereignty, loving collective actions, and thrivance.

The conference will examine the multifaceted dimensions of love and health within Indigenous communities, focusing on the healing impact of Indigenous ancestral love on physical, mental, and spiritual health, culture, and community prosperity. It will highlight promising Indigenous health interventions, patient care approaches, health promotion, and disease prevention strategies, particularly in the context of pandemics and climate change.

The conference will celebrate the resilience and permanence of indigenous identities, cultures, and knowledge systems, which have shaped and continue to impact health systems at large.

While all are invited to attend, INIHKD RIEL seeks to elevate Indigenous voices as leading authors and speakers. INIHKD is seeking submissions from Indigenous health scholars, scientists, traditional medicine practitioners, health care providers, community leaders, educators, and activists who plan to attend and serve as lead presenters at the conference in person.

We have encouraged submissions beyond traditional academic presentations to include broader research dissemination methods like film, dance, poetry, and visual arts. This inclusive approach aims to capture the richness of Indigenous knowledge systems and cultural expressions.

Your participation is crucial to our collective effort in uncovering insights and strategies that deeply resonate with Indigenous communities around the globe. We value your contribution and look forward to your active involvement in the conference.

Keep RIEL and we will see you at Tamaya in April 2025!

IWRI Executive Co-Director Dr. Johnson-Jennings (Choctaw Nation)
IWRI Executive Co-Director Dr. Evans-Campbell (Snohomish)

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Santa Ana Pueblo Land Recognition

The fifth INIHKD gathering will take place on the ancestral land of the Santa Ana Pueblo people.

We want to thank the Santa Ana Pueblo along with their lands, ancestors, and spirits for their hospitality in welcoming us to gather with them at the Tamaya Resort. As such, we must strive to be reciprocal, respectful, and humble guests here at the INIHKD 2025 conference.

For more information please visit the Santa Ana Pueblo Website.

We also wish to share our gratitude to the several other Indigenous Nations who call this region home. To learn more please visit the Indigenous Nations and Lands website.

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  • 07 June 2024:

    Call for abstracts. Abstract submission portal opens

  • 22 August 2024:

    Conference Registration portal opens

  • 06 September 2024:

    Abstract submission portal closes

  • 06 October 2024:

    All presenters notified

  • 10 December 2024:

    All presenters to have registered to guarantee a place in the program

  • 10 December 2024:

    Early-birds registration closes

  • 31 March 2025:

    General Registration closes

  • 24-26 April 2025:

    Gathering of Nations
  • 27 April 2025:

    RIEL Student one-day pre-conference

  • 28 April 2025:

    RIEL Conference opens

  • 02 May 2025:

    Summary, closing and farewells

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Early Bird Registration Closes: 10 December 2024

Countdown to INIHKD-RIEL Conference

227 days

21 hours

25 minutes
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